Sensory Characteristics
Failing Example: Event Schedule
The instructions for interpreting a schedule of competitive events references colored icons in different shapes to indicate the venue for each event.. A table presents a list of times across the top row and a list of events in the first vertical column and instructions are provided under the table: "Events marked with a blue diamond are played on field A and events marked with a green circle are played on field B." The instructions rely on color and shape only and result in a failure of this criterion.
Passing Example: An online multi-page survey
An online multi-page survey uses a link implemented as a green arrow icon placed in the lower right hand corner of the page to move to the next set of questions. The arrow is clearly labeled with "Next" and the instructions state, "To move to the next section of the survey, select the green arrow icon labeled 'Next' in the lower right corner below the last survey question." The instruction uses positioning and color to help identify the icon; the instruction does not rely on these sensory characteristics since it also refers to the label, so it passes this criterion.