Use of Headings (H1-H6) in ARIA Landmarks

main landmark region

  • Should contain h1 element at the beginning of section.
  • h1 element content describes the content or the purpose of the page.
  • Provides a redundant means for assistive technology users to navigate to main content.
  • Use headers in a structural way or in combination with HTML5 section elements.
  • If more than one main landmark on the page use aria-labelledby to use the heading as accessible name to the landmark.

navigation and complementary landmark regions

  • If there is a visible label for the navigation or complementary region, use h2 element for the label.
  • Use aria-labelledby to reference the h2 element.

region landmarks

  • Should contain an h2-h6 element at the beginning of section, which has appropriate level.
  • h2-h6 element identifies the section information.
  • The heading element should be used as the label for the region using aria-labelledby.
  • Provides a redundant means for assistive technology users to orient and navigate to the regiom content.