aria-describedy |
no |
- |
Yes |
- |
- Screen readers do not show link context information in list of links.
- Accessible description is computed from visually displayed text content (i.e. higher chance of being accurate).
aria-labelledby |
Yes |
Yes |
- |
- |
- Screen readers show link context information in list of links.
- IDREFs must be uniquely generated and the references accurately set and maintained.
- Accessible name is computed from visually displayed text content (i.e. higher chance of being accurate).
aria-label |
Yes |
Yes |
- |
- |
- Screen readers show link context information in list of links.
- Attribute value has some redundant content with the link text.
- Accessible name is computed from text content that is hidden from most users (i.e. lower chance of being accurate).
off-screen text |
Yes |
Yes |
- |
- |
- Screen readers show link context information in list of links.
- Extra element in the link with redundant text.
- Accessible name is computed from text content that is hidden from most users (i.e. lower chance of being accurate).
group label |
no |
- |
- |
Yes |
- Some screen reader will read the group label, others do not.
- Screen readers do not show link context information in list of links.
- Extra element in the link with redundant text.
- Accessible name for grouping element (e.g.
ul ) is computed text content that is visible (i.e. higher chance of being accurate).