

  • University of Illinois
  • Employees of the Hollister Corporation (University of Illinois Foundation)
  • IBM Corporation (OAA Evaluation Library)

Primary Developers

Jon Gunderson, Illinois
Project coordinator
OpenA11y Evaluation Library software development
Nicholas Hoyt, Illinois (retired)
Conceptual model for accessibility evaluation
Interaction designer for AInspector and Bookmarklets
Software developer for AInspector for Firefox and Bookmarklets

Other Contributing Developers

Pramod Joshi, AITS
Software developer for fae-util

Previous Contributors

Jeff Heckel, AITS
Software developer for fae-util
Landi Lark, Pixo
Software development and design of Bookmarklets
Prasanna Bale, Illinois Technology Services
Software development of FAE 1.1 and AInspector for Firebug